
Out of context: Reply #42

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  • chossy0

    At one of my old companies, half of us got told to come into a room we sat down and they said we are closing you guys are being kept on to finish existing jobs off.
    Then the other half of the company got asked to go in after we left the room and they were told they had one hour to get out of the building!!!! it was nuts people were panicking and grabbing all their tapes and things from the library (I work in TV) and it was horrible to watch, this was in the days before you had firewire 800 and cheap drives so any data was taking forever to copy and folk were shouting and pushing each other out the way, the library looked like someone had just pushed all the shelves down and folk were pulling up in their cars to try to get as many tapes in as possible. This was in 2003 since that day I have always looked after my main money commitments and fingers crossed kept enough backups so that if things go tits up I have at least got most of my work at home.

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