NO on Prop 8

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • VectorMasked0


    Absolutely. Totally agree on the whole thing on taxes and politics.
    This sort of thing should not be allowed. Personal beliefs or goals should not interfere with the lives of other people. It is just wrong imo that a church or group of people with unique beliefs dare to control somehow politics and the way we as people try to live our lives.

    As to the whole Mormon thing... I do have my issue. I've never ever had a single pleasant experience with any of them. Even the relatives that practice that religion. If was even suffocating for me. From my experience with Mormons which is “a lot”, I had the chance to meet some stupid, arrogant, fake, narrow-minded and extremely cynical people in that church. Some do have their own good side, but as a general rule, they freak out rather easily since their lives are so limited and restricted.

    I do not hate them... but they by nature, like to get in the way of things... as we are seeing with the whole prop 8. Sadly, Mormons are taught from their youth that they should interfere and insist on converting other people to Mormonism and never take "NO" for an answer. They tend to nurture the whole concept of "we are better than them coz we are Mormons" and "world domination".
    Can be scary at times. It is in a way a nicely presented cult.

    • lets just be very thankful it wasn't mitt romney instead of McCain. Dude could have had a better run. Scary.threadpost
    • Scary indeed.
    • *btw I wasn't trying to be offensive toward Mormons. Just in case I came accross as a narrow-minded prick* :o)VectorMasked
    • of course! i totally get it. growing up among mormons is a very challenging thing, not every1 can understandthreadpost
    • Agrees with VectorMasked on all accounts. Objection overruled.Lillebo

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