NO on Prop 8

Out of context: Reply #2

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    @ VectorMasked: the comment thingy is too short for a proper response. I'm not "against" mormons on principle. In fact I have lots of family that are mormon. For the most part the individual people are incredibly nice and genuine. But as a collective, I disagree with the idea that a church or organization of any kind be tax exempt if they are actively preaching and contributing money to politics.
    I think if you're going to be a tax-exempt religious organization, you better damn well keep those free dollars outside the lobbying that goes on in legislation.
    Mormons, well yeah...I have my issues. But as I said, many in my family are so. They are all incredibly open minded and decent people, not a judgmental bone in their genetically perfect mormon bodies ;), I guess its all that clean living, but Utah consistently has the lowest rates of cancer etc.
    I can only say, why the fuck would an organization based in Utah pump millions of dollars into legislation based in california. total b.s.

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