Webdesign Guidelines

Out of context: Reply #36

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  • Not_Just_Another0

    I have to say, I think an awful lot of what the article states is pretty much common sense. His tone isn't helping him though.

    Being from a print background originally, I think you learn far more on general design rules/trends (typography, font choices etc) than you would do from doing web design initially. My argument for that is that there are far less restrictions on design when working in print - which ultimately make for prettier pieces of work.

    That said, I started working more and more in web design and I could definitely see a big difference from a design point of view between those who say they are 'print' designers and those that say they are 'web' designers.

    I think any GOOD designer will see what restrictions they are given (dependent on the medium) and push them, within reason, so that they can achieve the best result.

    Unless a website is a personal project of the web designer, I firmly believe that they should put aside their aspirations of creating something fancy for fancy's-sake and ensure that the work/design is what is in the clients best interests.

    Sorry for the rant.

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