Webdesign Guidelines

Out of context: Reply #21

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  • ximeraLabs0

    From a lot of experience I know for a fact that the majority of print-only designers (and yes, I generalise) are just not versed in web/UI design. And they can't be, because they specialize in a different medium (and the same goes for the other way around).

    But sadly I've been in many situations where a client (print and/or marketing based) will design a site at 300dpi in cmyk and insist on using non-standard fonts, text as images, wants DVD-like "interfaces" etc etc, resulting in major headaches fixing the design into a working model — instead of sitting down at the start and consult with web designers to see what is realistic. I think thats the point he's making (well I hope it is).

    • Indeed it is :) ThanksLillebo
    • I don't think his point ws like that AT ALL. He was trying to place himself as a Master of the Universe n above printdesignersVectorMasked
    • He had this "print dudes... move aside... let the master work" attitude.VectorMasked

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