Swearing at Clients

Out of context: Reply #25

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  • SkyPoo0

    I have never swore at a client but I have expressed extreme contempt in no uncertain terms here and there. Even if they are totally in the wrong and you are entirely in the right, it only ever leads to one conclusion... you have to strike them off your client list.

    I try to be philosophical about that - if they were dicking you about mercilessly and had no respect for your work or your business then there'd be no point in keeping them as a client, but when you consider how much inconvenience many clients can bring to your table in general you have to consider that if you refuse to eat shit completely you'll have no clients eventually.

    Now I am a student of the art of sage-like patience and I calmly explain, in very simple terms, what the problem is. Then I leave the client to work it out for themselves.

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