RIP Jörg Haider

Out of context: Reply #27

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  • drgss0…………

    The civilizational conflict between the West and the Islamic world is now a gradual swallowing of the depressed, apathetic and passive european human biomass by the barbarous moslem super-ethnos. As a rule, one religious system conquers another only if it is stupider, meaner and more backward than the existing one. This is why western Christianity spread and prevailed to begin with. In its turn it will be conquered by Islam. Islam will conquer the West, because it is more archaic, more primitive, meaning stronger and more vital.

    And rightly so, because the pole of our western culture is not Christianity to begin with. The western pole is Islam. The spiritual source of contemporary western rationalism and materialism begins with the impulse of Gundishapur in year 666. It is linked with arabism, the world of desert and early Islam. When Islam finally will conquer Europe, it will become a desert, and everything will come back in its place

    • I was going to argue on how I say bullshit, but finally you and your rhetoric don't deserve it.dyspl
    • YOU say bullshit, not I :)

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