Indesign question PLEASE HELP

Out of context: Reply #5

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  • MrOneHundred0

    OK. You can do a search for this kind of thing, but you will probably have to do a separate search for numbers containing each amount of digits, ie, a search for thousands, hundreds, tens, and so on. But you have to do it in reverse order from most digits to least, so if you know the biggest number you need to find is, say 1987, you would search for “bracket, any digit, any digit, any digit, any digit, bracket” to cover the thousands, followed by bracket, any digit, any digit, any digit, bracket” to cover the hundreds, “bracket, any digit, any digit, bracket” to cover the double digit combos and then “bracket, any digit, bracket” for the singles.

    In the “change to” field, you can specify a character and paragraph styles to change to. Now I understand you want to have the brackets and numbers formatted with different character styles, so once you have done all of the above, you can go back and re-find any brackets formatted with that new character style and change them to yet another character style.

    Hope this helps.

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