Switch to Macs?

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  • rafalski0

    I bought a Mac two years ago mostly because I was sick of asking Mac owners to do website checks for me. I was sick of getting project assets with fonts I couldn't install in Windows as well. I also got a Mac because it runs both systems, wouldn't even consider it before they went intel. I planned to use both OSX and Windows on it, but it turns out I am using OSX 98% of the time.

    The transition wasn't smooth. The biggest pain were the fonts. Windows PostScript fonts aren't recognized at all, Windows TrueType didn't always work 100% ok (although these problems were rare and only occurred in Eastern European characters). There are font conversion tools, but they're not always perfect and violate font licenses.
    I couldn't get used to differences in Photoshop display modes in both platforms (desktop showing beneath the workspace on the Mac). When I finally did, now CS4 is going to mimic Windows display style anyway.

    I have no problem still using XP at work, but really enjoy using OSX at home. It's easier to maintain, doesn't scare you neocon-style (vide 'windows defender' crap), doesn't tell you to prove ownership or buy a new license when you upgrade memory. Actually, hard drives can be cloned for backup as the computer is running and swapped easily among any Macs if there is a need to. You can boot any Mac via USB from your portable drive at any time. This is some Unix beauty at work. Expose - this is another useful OSX feature you wonder how you could do without before.

    I have to add, as there is some controversy in that area, that OSX 10.5 is a considerable improvement over 10.4 for me, if only for QuickLook image viewer introduction (simply press space to instantly preview a file). "Cover Flow" Finder mode, which I initially took as an useless gimmick, makes a surprisingly good font (or any graphic file) browser when paired with QuickLook.

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