Switch to Macs?

Out of context: Reply #21

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  • SteveJobs0

    switching isn't as easy as those commercials would like you to believe.

    if you've been using windows for a decade or so, especially for development, you'll feel like a foreigner when trying to adapt. (Note: i didnt' say you'd feel like listening to Foreigner, though your experience may be different).

    a simle example are the different uses of the Home and End keys. hit the end key when you realize you forgot a period at the end of your sentence and you're sent unforgivingly to the bottom of the document.

    note the comments of all the happy switchers:




    note, this is only one small example.

    when switching you are greeted with a cold welcome, and a pretty fascade and left to google a few third party tools just to ease the adaptation process. long-time mac users will show no love when you look for ways of making your new environment a little more familiar.

    eventually you'll adapt, but there's something to be said about the pain in the ass process involved in getting there...

    it's no wonder the mac's market penetration is so low - unless you're a hipster teen wanting to put together a photo album, a designer who loves him/her some photoshop and flash, or an old granny that wants to put her recipe's online - don't expect a warm welcome. ok, ok, i generalize, but you get the idea..

    i'm just sayin'

    • Yup, there are smaller things that no one talks about. These things turn into larger things as they annoy the user.Jaline
    • can the real stevejobs please stand up?jimzyk

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