Multiple Language versions of a site

Out of context: Reply #3

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  • flavorful0

    For multiple language sites I create teh base content in English and then use NLS tables with Locale Codes for every other language.

    So as an example...

    t_Content = English
    t_Content_NLS = Same table w/ added "cde_Locale" field.

    cde_Locale = 1033, for EN-US (English, US)
    cde_Locale = 1034, for FR-FR (French, France)
    cde_Locale = 3084, for FR-CA (French, Canada)

    Only the NLS tables are displayed based on language choice of the user but the base table can be used to figure out what is being displayed if you can't speak German for example.

    Also, you can use XML files to be swapped based on this same principle.

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