smoke free

Out of context: Reply #74

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  • mikotondria30

    Keep going, Kelpie - its all normal what you're going through - it does fuck with your mind for a little while and cause totally irrational thoughts like ' I can't do design if I haven't breathed in partially burned toxic plant fumes', but it'll pass, those thoughts will go..
    Surprise surprise, non-smokers have those blank pages too, those blocks you just need to learn to do something else than smoke, that's too easy, the hardest bit about not smoking is having to fill in the parts of your routine when you normally would have lit up and had 'a little time off', but those pangs for the old 'routine' DO pass, and you'll realise that the old way was weak and foolish. It wasn't 'time off', it was time to get a fix to stop your craving for nicotine, plain and simple, what was the addiction is that it had got under your conscious radar and you rationalised it as something else.
    Now you're stepping out from under that shadow and theres a gap where you used to be smoking, but that need has gone, because it wasn't real, the need to you have is to take a little break from your work.
    Im only a few weeks ahead of you on being a non-smoking, pious twat, and I'll liken the first few weeks to like being on a kids roundabout at the playground, just drifting round slowly, round and round, then - when you stop smoking, you get off the roundabout and it feels like you're still going round, and forget how to walk in a straight line, but your realise that you were actually on a ride the whole time, and that standing on the ground is the normal way to be, even though IT feels wobbly and unexpected. It's a big step, stopping smoking - I was a woose for years and didnt even try because I didn't think I could do it, but I have and so can you, please post back here and let us know how you get on and what you did instead of smoking. All the best

    • thank you! I didn't realise you were only a few weeks ahead. you make perfect sense here, cheerskelpie

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