smoke free

Out of context: Reply #15

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  • Nairn0

    Ugh, I'd essentially stopped smoking tobacco, but was happy to let myself have a few chugs on other people's tabs when I went out for drinks (Yeah - I'm one of Them). This, a few weeks ago, turned into a whole cigarette. The weekend after, 2 or 3 - the week after that 4, on a single night. Each morning after, I'd wake up and feel really, really grotty - hacking up in the morning with a dry trachea and gummy spit (mmmmmm). Essentially, a return to the bad shit I was happy to have left behind - and for what?

    Thing is though, having quit and slipped back into mode when I'm drunk - I appreciate why I was attracted to tobacco in the first place - surprisingly, it can actually taste quite nice. I'd completely forgotten about the smells and the tastes of tobacco over the decade and a half I'd smoked.

    Now, I've bought myself a pack of weenie Cohibas, so when I'm drunk and the insistent urge to smoke strikes - I savour a cigarillo instead. I'm not kidding myself that it's much better - but at least it's not going into my lungs (which is what made me stop in the first place) and damn if it doesn't taste good.

    And yes, I look like a complete berk - but then, so do smokers stood out in the rain anyway.

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