clients pay for fonts

Out of context: Reply #20

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  • ian0

    Janne, honestly, heres the deal. You but fonts at the outset, standards that you will use for ages, new jobs come along and if you need a new font for a specific client then you buy a license to use it and bill the cost on to the client (as flashbender says above), something along the lines of asset procurement. If the client needs to install the font on their computer then you say that you cannout provide the font to them as that would be in breach of copyright, the same as stock photography, so they need to buy licenses for it for use on their computers.

    If they don't understand it, then explain it to them in a manner they will understand (its a tricky thing for someone unused it to get their head around). If they are unwilling to use pay for it then you need to specify a substitute font that either a) they already have or b) is more cost effective for them. Its a standard thing and we do it all the time when working on identities.

    Also useful to note, if you specify a font in a brand guideline, if another company is following that guideline then it is up to them and not the client or you to make sure they have a valid license for the font.

    Hope this helps, Im a bit drunk and my tupperware comment kinda came from nowhere and is fairly useless.

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