where are we with global warming?

Out of context: Reply #15

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  • Nairn0

    Not sure what your motivation is, or which bit of your backside you pulled that '2000%' figure from, mikotondria, and I haven't the time to bother fighting you on this. Historically, 'yes' solar cycles are theorised to be large drivers of environmental change in an otherwise balanced system (along with tectonic and possible hyper-successful speciation events*) - I'm not disputing that - I didn't mention that in the 'balance' I alluded to, because that balance is a cyclical event and things get complex to explain then (and, frankly, I'm not that smart). What we're experiencing is an 'unnatural' (again, for the sake of simplicity, let's ignore the fact that human society is a function of nature*, that's a different philosophical, not practical debate) offset in the balance of the contemporary state of the cycle. ie. We're at the bit of the cycle where things are likely getting cooler again, but our actions are pulling environmental cues the other way.

    Suffice to say (and I'm sorry, I'm going to pull a flagellum here), read through..


    Great! I'd just spent ages digging around the NewScientist archives for articles to support my stance, but have just noticed they've kindly compiled their resources into an area that does not appear to require subscription, so knock yourself out..


    * these two are interwined, obviously.

    • lol, I just counted all the NS tabs filled with stories to support my stance as I closed them - 24. NEED 2 WORK!!!Nairn

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