where are we with global warming?

Out of context: Reply #8

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  • mikotondria30

    Yes, Nairn, let's think about all of that activity, all those millions of this that and the others. All the years that all of those have been running, every power station, every car, everything manufactured, all of it - has increased the atmospheric CO2 by 0.01%
    During some of the glacial periods, levels have been 2000% of what they are today - global warming PREcedes carbon dioxide levels, which means that the carbon cycle is affected BY the global temperature flux and not the other way around.. Climate change is most closely tied to the cycles of the sun than and\y biogenic processes.

    • I know it's disconcerting, but I couldn't agree more. Lets follow the data folks, not what's fashionable.teleos
    • oh, of course - I'm 'believing' this because it's fashionable!
      *slaps forehead* hyuck, hycuk
      I'm such a silly!

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