The Blackbird

Out of context: Reply #11

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  • nicnichols0

    Robo- no offense mate- I just think you're missing the point of the toy cam.. I spend 8 hours a day with a Hassy and a Phase One back shooting giant files to a huge computer.. so when I pack up and want to go shoot for fun, I take a Holga. When you shoot with a Toy Cam, you have to expect the unexpected, and not every shot is going to come out... you'll get light leaks, stuck shutters, frames that blend together.. but thats the point.

    If I wanted to get an exact result, I would drag the Hassy out with a big digital back on it.. or the D300..

    But at the end of the day, I want to have fun with it- not make it 'work' so I choose to shoot all toy cams, and all film. I'll take the risk, cas the reward is worth it.

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