
Out of context: Reply #29

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  • SkyPoo0

    Its not a hugely tittliating story (pun intended) but fairly interesting I guess.

    My family looked after an elderly man and his wife when I was in my teens. A family friend. Then the woman suffered a stroke and needed constant care. She passed away after a few years of being very ill by which point the man was also very old and incapable of looking after himself.

    He eventually died anbd unbeknownst to us he and his wife had agreed when she was ill that they would make my Dad executor of the eventual will and we were the sole beneficiaries. Not a huge fortune, but for a poor family like mine it was a welcome windfall.

    Frank was a keen photographer and a member of an amateur photographic society. He took some great 35mm photographs and exhibited regulary, winning prizes on the photographic society circle.

    We had to clear out their converted bunglaow and do what was best with their belongings after he dies. Frank had said I could keep all of his photography equipment which I did but unfortunately in the lunacy of the digital dawn I px'd it all with my parents permission for a lousy bullshit Nikon semi-pro camera that I no longer own.

    Anyway, it turned out Frank was a bit of a dark horse. He had built a secret 'glamour' photography studio up in his loft with a darkroom next to it. The neighbours told us that in younger days there would be a stream of local hussies trailing up Frank's driveway for a sleezey soft porn photographic session in the loft.

    I have his entire collection. 1000s of 35mm transparencies (B&W and Colour) hundreds of prints, some of which are 10x12s, and its the most fantastic collection of images ever.

    Sometimes it gets quite hardcore, soemtimes its just saucy titllation, but the 70's one are best where he was experimenting with trippy lighting to get mad psychedelic porno effects going on.

    The women, it has to be said, look like the men from Carry On, in drag make-up.

    Anyway, in heavy presence throughout his collection is the dipped nipple, and Franks collection of amateur photographer's reference and guide books all provide advice on the technique.

    He occasionally got a bit carried away with dipping it seems as some of his women appear to have only giant all consuming nipples and no breast skin at all. I imagine he used a brickies bucket at some point in his experiments.

    And yes, I'll dig some out, scan them in and show you if you like, but not just yet, I have to get them out of my loft.

    It will make a fantastic book though one day.

    • i knew you had the time.
      this is wonderful- thank you for sharing.
    • that is a fantastic story. i would be interested in seeing them as well... it would make a great book7point34
    • i have learned something today.
      Thanks man, fascinating story.
    • Wacky. That would make a really awesome book or gallery-show.pylon

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