Show some old work (Revised)

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • SkyPoo0

    My First Annual Report.
    May 1995. Euroclear, Brussels.
    DMB&B Design. Senior designer / art director.

    Two part brochure. The shmoozy part presented on a nice coated white stock, the financial figures on a lovely off-white porous uncoated stock. Both held together by a belly band. The concept was "Items of Value" and the idea was to get Euroclear participants to nominate objects of immense value to them, with a little story about why they held high such high personal value.

    Being old-money millionaires, I expected they'd put forward a dazzling display of priceless historic heirlooms. I've never seen such a pitiful lack of imagination. One bloke brought in a plastic-wrapped triangle sandwich and a story about how he gets the collywobbles if he doesn't eat regularly. He was quite tubby to be fair.

    Set in Universe Expanded which I fucking loved to pieces at that time. and text in ITC garamond. Photography was by Phill Sills. Put together in Quark Xpress with medium format trannies supplied to repro to be stripped in pre-digitally.

    • very tidy indeed Spooky.Dancer
    • Hahaha, you feel obligated to comment after lol'ing at my last effort. It wont work. I have my pride you know. = )SkyPoo
    • the paper has turned yellow its so oldtoe_knee
    • Yeah it has. That detracts from the coated half of it, but ads a certain quality to the uncoated half.SkyPoo
    • Still lol'ing at that.
      I do like it though
    • I hate you Dancer.
      X (
      JK? Can you throw him out please? Thx.

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