My friendship chart

Out of context: Reply #29

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  • _salisae_0

    chossy, if you met my lil' clementine you'd have no hate in your heart for her. she's tomatoe bisque orange with a stick shift and a state license plate taped onto the front of her grill. it's a wagon ffs. no elitism there. pure reliability, low emissions and she even came with a security blanket and first aide kit.

    i found her quite by accident. a lot far on the outskirts of atlanta kept her as bait. people read her specs and price and made the trip but when they arrived and saw her color they asked what else was available. they said i was the only one who happened to actually love the color and the stick shift as well as the incredible price.

    when i was a kid my mom and dad both drove bright orange cars which caused endless embarrassment but i guess i'm more appreciative of them now cus they taught me not to care if others judge me for the color or make of the car i arrive in.

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