
Out of context: Reply #16

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  • 23kon0

    i actually quite like their lattest song "daddys c*nted"

    but i really cant STAND the band.
    i saw the singer being interviewed by Alan McGee (Creation Records) and the singer just seemed up his own ass, as if they were more famous than any other band EVER! and were a million times better than anyone else. (fair enough though if you actually ARE).
    Alan McGee raves about this band constantly, and i dont see whats there.

    The band has been around for years and has a masssive following in glasgow.

    Yes you might be the next best thing to god in glasgow and you walk around there like you're cool as fuck with all the teenyboppers pointing and swooning, but its definitely NOT like that in other cities lol.

    Kelpie, i dont think they are kids, they's auld c*nts are they not?

    • yeah, they look like a bunch of old c*nts to me?Raniator
    • I reckon this is the very first original Glasvegas backlash city mate. They are already very far from cool here.kelpie

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