worst album cover

Out of context: Reply #13

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  • SkyPoo0

    I actually lost heart very quickly after first doing music industry stuff. The odds of getting satisfaction just seem to be so massively stacked against the designer. It caused me no end of emotional stress and the only pay off was the ridiculous amounts of money you could charge, until a few years ago. Once that went there was really no value in doing it anymore becuase you'd be lucky to get one project done to any creative satisfaction in any two year period. Its always the fucking lead singer who fucks it up.

    I have massive amounts of admiration for the determined few who manage to craft entire portfolios of solid, uncompromised creative work for music clients. The effort it must take, beyond the creative process, in sterring that through and getting people to just fucking trust you and to shut the fuck up so you can do it, must be immense.

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