sueing apple?.

Out of context: Reply #25

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  • 23kon0

    At work all us 'new media' work on PC's and (touch wood) theres never a problem with the PC's. If anything does go wrong then the programmers know how to do enough with the computers to try fix them or do things like installing software/hardware and diagnosing.

    Its the macs that seem to be the most problematic, I cant count the amount of mactops that have had to be fixed/replaced.
    And most of the time when you send them back to be fixed apple will claim its not within the warranty and say the only way to resolve it is to buy a new computer.
    Plus its only apple places you can take it to to get fixed.

    At home i used macs from when they first were around and all through art college I used macs - Painfully slow macs!.
    When i got out into the real world and working building interweb sites, everyone was using PCs so i had to learn how to use a PC.
    Pretty easy, and even easier these days - all the programs are the same - its only some shortcuts that are 'slightly' different.

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