Build - Pritt

Out of context: Reply #57

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  • max_prophet0

    Get the fuck over it you whining pussies, I have no interest nor inclination to be bothered talking politely about what I seriously think about this advert with people who largely, are junior style monkeys and sychophantic wannabes. FYI I happen to like some of build's work though I do find his style to be increasingly played out and lacking freshness, and it is indeniably style over content - something which interests me less and less, so shoot me for having an opinion. I'm not sure exactly how effective having some esoteric British designer draw a picture on a big piece of cardboard for a french audience will be in selling whiteout - I can only assume they are aiming at the student market. Did you people even engage your heads or do you just look at things and go "wheeee pretty pretty!!" ?

    You insist on seeing someone's work before they are allowed to have an opinion – take that attitude far enough and you're stepping into that dubious realm where you allow all kinds of awful things to happen in the world because you rely on the opinion of experts, only experts can decide what is good for us and how the world should be. If you're not educated in the field of education, you should have no say in it, same for economics or warfare - is that how you think? Fuck that, all opinions are valid unless you are prepared to debate the value of opinions full stop - that's quite an argument to have.

    As if I would even show you any work now – you're all like chickens ready to peck peck peck someone to death.

    Also: you're all so easily riled up -this is how I write, big fucking deal.

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