Glenn Back is mentally ill

Out of context: Reply #23

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  • dog_opus0

    As far as I can tell, much of the neo-conservative viewpoint is consonant with classical liberalism (individual rights, property ownership, free markets, etc.). The ideology that is called "liberalism" today has more in common with fascism (statism, minus the nationalism of Hitler and Mussolini) than actual liberty, in my opinion.

    I don't think that Glenn Beck is any more "mentally ill" than the goofballs on Air America or Rush Limbaugh. These are opinion/editorial/news analysis people. It's basically news/politics with a lot of entertainment. You can like it or not, but it doesn't make a person mentally because you don't share his or her political viewpoints. That being said, I think Michael Savage might be mentally ill. Whereas other talk show hosts might be controversial, he's just way over the top. He actually starts to make sense sometimes, and then he goes nuts, spluttering out all manner of hateful crap. I'm kind of surprised he hasn't gone off the deep end yet and just killed someone.

    I like to listen to Howie Carr in the car if I'm not listening to music. I don't always agree with him, but his show is enormously entertaining.

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