Your last fight

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    Whew...had to think about this one. Probably about '95 on 15th Street in Philly. My friends and I were at a bar getting drunk, and one of my friends (Smitty) had his girl with him. She was totally flirting with another friend (Travis) at the bar. We all go back to my apt to play some Sega Hockey - it's snowing hard. As we're on the front steps of my place, Travis' cab pulls up and Smitty just loses it. "FUCK YOU, YOU LITTLE BITCH, I'LL KICK THE SHIT OUT OF YOU". Now Smitty is about 6'9" and fit. Travis weighted about 160 lbs and was totally not a fighter. Smitty starts blasting Travis to the ground. I'm friends with both and don't want to see em brawling so I get between them and Smitty just starts swinging at me, so I swing back. I got hit in the face a few times, hit him a few times, slipped in the snow, and then it was over. Woke up with a fat lip, a bad headache, and an apology from Smitty.

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