Those New Yorkers...

Out of context: Reply #5

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  • dauntilus0

    You know. If americans as a whole were as actually as smart as they would like to think or have been told they are you could do that cover and there would be no harm. Sad truth is though that alot of americans as a whole arent that bright (its kind of like the fat chick that has convinced herself shes not fat) sort of mentality. Its sad that in the 21st century in whats supposed to be the best country in the world you have a ton of people who truly believe hes a muslim, hes somehow going to make America unsafe. This is why the cover idea is bad. Alot of americans arent smart enough to see the cover for what it really is. Then again, "Jim Bob" and "Sue Mae" probably dont read the New Yorker let alone know what it is in the first place.

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