hooker sucky

Out of context: Reply #58

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  • harlequino0

    I think it's all about goals. What are your goals and wanton desires? If it's to effortlessly procure sex with a very attractive woman who knows what she's doing and will do anything you ask, then by all means, the high end "professional" way is just the ticket.

    On the other hand, it's more of a "goddamn it i need to screw something other than my hand" type of thing, then you may want to shop in another 'mall,' as it's free and you can go back for more at no additional charge (other than dinner, ice cream, booze, Magic cards, etc.). I.e.:
    Marching bands (college, not high school ffs)
    Single moms
    D&D or Magic chicks
    you get the idea...

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