Harassment in the workplace

Out of context: Reply #14

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  • harlequino0

    Not harrasment directly, as one might be accustomed too, but related and sucked.

    Just before I left my last gig, the agency got bought up by one of the BIG HOLDING COMPANIES. I split, and soon after a female friend who was still there gets confronted by the holding company stooge who now was at the office, that another female complained that she believed my friend was having an affair with the CEO.

    Now, the CEO was an ugly nebbish motherfucker, and my friend was hawt and looked like Buffy (season 2 hot Buffy, not season 5 gangly whore Buffy). And I knew her well, and naturally this was complete catty horseshit.

    Nevertheless, in order to avoid a BIG AGENCY SCANDAL, they squeezed my friend out (who had been there for 12 years, helped build the company, and make 6 figure coin). They pressured her to quit and take a severance package.

    We talked about suing and all this, but it wasn't worth it in the end. But pretty fucked up.

    • hahah @ your Buffy descriptions (I know what you are talking about)Jaline
    • I knew you would. :)harlequino

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