Harassment in the workplace

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • sputnik20

    is she a manager, an equal or subordinate?

    my boss a while back harassed me non-stop, every day. not sexual but about my culture and pretty much everything about me. all day, all the time, in front of everyone...under the guise that it was all in good fun, good banter.

    it was the worst working experience and i ended up complaining to HR about it before i left. the guy was such a wanker, i should've done more to stop it but instead i just left.

    • what culture? (if you don''t mind my asking, just curious)harlequino
    • pretty much an equal, i think?
      definitely not a higher-up.
    • I'm wondering about culture too. Just curious.Jaline
    • does culture mean DESIGNER in this context?mg33
    • i am french, and being in the US there are a lot of ignorant americans who never let that gosputnik2
    • not gay?capn_ron
    • not lesbian, if that's what you're askingsputnik2
    • I was thinking Italian. But French...interesting... Yes, it seems that many people make fun of the French.Jaline
    • I work with Frenchies all day ;)Jaline
    • frenchies or canadians?sputnik2

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