Mercedes-Benz Viano

Out of context: Reply #7

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  • detritus0

    Sorry, but for every other purpose beyond a CG designer's wet dream, that's just a pile of crap.

    The loading times and lack of user warnings are annoying as shit.
    The interaction is middling, at best.
    Why do some sections have TWO loading sequences?!

    The globe gimmick renders itself redundant as soon as the hemipshere changes and the environment evolves beyond what's expected.

    'the revelation' section doesn't work.
    The 'Hero's call' doesn't make any sense.
    'the prophecy' is just lame.
    'the viano companion' - I waited how long for .. what, exactly?
    'the prize' - er.. what the fuck is the point if this mechanic? 'ahem ever thought of clicking when you're online'?! Actually, I did fucking click, you sanctimonious programmer arsehole - who the fuck do you think I am? I'm in the market for a fucking Mercedes - how the fuck do you think I got to where I am in life? Fix your fucking Event handler, you cretinous toad.

    I can't be bothered going through any more of this, I'm a busy high-flyer with an expensive wife to work to buy expensive trinkets for.

    What a load of tosh.

    I bet the multiple committees that put that shite together are well-pleased with their effort. What waste of effort.

    Much like this paltry critique.

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