Costa Rica

Out of context: Reply #16

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  • 22 Responses
  • Dancer0

    Food is crap in CR. the deep fry everything. worth going to a decent restaurant, or make your own. The national dish is called Gallo Pinto which means Rice and beans, it is good to start the day with but generally shite.

    the people are very warm and friendly, and always willing to help (except in SJ). There is no Army in CR so the county as a whiole is very peaceful.

    • see post above. maybe some food is bad, but like anywhere else in the world, you can find amazing food if you look!threadpost
    • THey're general food you find around is Shite. all from the US. deep fried crap.Dancer
    • oh the irony. you, being from the UK saying CR has deep fried crap from the US type food. wow.threadpost
    • The UK is the worst food in the world, deep fried everything. but like I said, everyplace has some redemption. for the UK its amazing indian food.threadpost
    • ...amazing indian food.threadpost
    • haha someone's a little tired and snappy. When did I say uk food was good? CR food is still crap thoughDancer
    • now pick up your dummy and go home...Dancer
    • almost every meal I had there was fresh, simple, and delicious.skelly_b

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