fatoe >

Out of context: Reply #26

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  • fatoe0

    i have a huge disconnect to matters such as these.
    I'm sorry I can't get as involved as you guys do, not that type of user, never have been
    Since before this was Newstoday i've used this engine to promote myself as an artist. Which now for some reason is frowned upon? I'll never really understood why, but that's cool, you guys got your beliefs in fellowship and govern yourselves.
    But that's really all i use this for.
    I'm ok with the idea that people here don't like me.
    I grew up in the hood, nothing new to me.
    Negativity towards others doesn't fly far in this business.
    I wish you guys all the success you can achieve for yourselves.

    • People don't fuck people over in the "hood". Did you miss that class?2cents
    • no classes in the hood homes, missed it.fatoe

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