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Out of context: Reply #9

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  • Blam0

    When everyone accuses the prints of being overpriced, does anyone try to factor in how much the prints cost to make? [if you make a run out at a bureau at the size of these prints the individual cost is £50 each just to make an inkjet to this standard] and then also consider how long the designer spent creating each piece specifically for this exhibition or how long Darren who spent a lot of his valuable time on making this event happen and organising the event making sure all the artist delivered on time or the cost of framing all the work. Then factor in the expense of having a launch night and the cost of displaying the work in a gallery space in Soho, it cant be a drop in the ocean either. I know from experience these events can be a labour of love and the organisers can be lucky to break even on it, the hidden costs soon rack up and the risk of taking on an exhibition like this and being out of pocket are high. If you enjoy the work great, go there and absorb it, but if you dont have the budget or you don't earn enough to buy the prints on sale, then nobody is making you, stop knocking designers and artists who give up their time to make inspiring exhibitions like this, go give your money to habitat where prints are made in there thousands and artists like Michael Gillette would probably never licence his artwork to them anyway. Blam at Blanka.

    • I know you know you're making some valid points, but do you know you're coming off like a whiny bitch?flavorful
    • I actually don't have a problem with the costs to be honest, I just didn't like your tone I guess.flavorful
    • Not everyone is going to think your shit doesn't stink so get your head out of your ass.flavorful
    • Thank you William ShakespeareBlam

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