Elastico Bookcase

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  • i_monk0

    "Bookcase carried out in “elastomeric” material. An elastic bandage in tension among two metallic elements well secure and connected with the wall. The bookcase lets to fit inside its own interior books-frames-containers drawers and any kind of objects which remains, this way, fitted in the bandage thanks to the tension created by its own elastic nature. Playing with some objects you can
    create aesthetic and functional solutions that are always different."

    Google Translated into Italian, then Babelfished back to English:

    "Bookcase carried out in " elastomeri" material. Metallic an elastic handwraps in tension between two elements very sure and connected with the wall. The bookcase concurs to mount all' inside of its own inner books-frame-drawers and containers of any type of objects that remains, in this way, mounted in handwraps thanks to the created tension for its same elastic nature. Playing with some objects it is possible to create aesthetic and it works them and the solutions that are always various."

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