pshop glow

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • Dancer0

    welcome n00b.

    Well Chuck/Nopattern and his fairy style was in for about....ooooo.... 4 days back in 2006-7 once that passed everyone took up the mantle and by the end of 2008 it was dead in the ground and soooooo over used.

    I have and never used this "style" as I do not believe that following other peoples style is design but merely a cop out and... well ..... copying. Much like the Build wannabes.

    So I would avoid copying this style and TRY and come up with something original, surely that is what being a designer is all about... and trust me it's not easy....

    now start sketching damn it

    • On the other hand...imitating a designer to learn how it's done helps develop your own style.TaylorB

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