how can i get a job as a copywriter

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  • mg330

    Someone I know, who has no college degree, and no experience writing anything related to copywriting, was recently telling me that someone at an agency was going to get them a job as a copywriter. It would have been great for them, and this particular person would totally benefit from a good 9 to 5 job like that, but there wasn't a chance of it happening.

    While I'm with doesnotexist on this one - that knowing people is probably the best start - if you really feel like you could be good at it, develop ideas, write things for a portfolio. Do you do that now? Do you have anything that represents a talent you might have for copywriting? Or are you seriously at the "I could do this" phase but it's all in your mind? Either way, best of luck. While I didn't so much do copywriting in terms of ads, I was the main writer and editor of a great deal of print and web content while at my last job, as a marketing coordinator for a law firm. It was fun, I really do love figuring out the right way to say things, to communicate ideas and make a point. Probably why I type so damn much.

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