the horrible asshat you work with

Out of context: Reply #22

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  • stoplying0

    Let me share another story of dread.
    After kerning, leading and line height adjustments for a good 2 hours for a banner ad, Hag Lady stands up so her face is about 3 inches from my monitor, and she farts.
    Right next to me.
    And totally nonchalantly says, "excuse me".
    I nearly vomit, choke, laugh, and cry in one upwelling of nastiness. I get up and walk away from my desk feeling embarrassed for this poor slob of a woman.

    • why would you pend 2 hours kerning a banner ad?
      it's not like anyone looks at them
    • in fact, why would you spend 2 hours on a banner ad?skt
    • and if a wee fart effects you so much, you should report to the metrosexuality thread and give you life storykelpie
    • Please... that WAS my hell. She is no longer my boss and I no longer work on banner ads. Fucking hell.stoplying
    • ahfhahgfdgfadahahahflavorful
    • hahahahhahah...

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