Interesting article about stress...

Out of context: Reply #1

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  • flavorful0

    “As another example, take graphic designers. Now with computers handling everything from typesetting, layout, image processing, color management to printing, what used to be done by several specialists are now combined into one person. The number of jobs one can handle in a year increased dramatically. Now designers spend more time being creative, and less time creating the final products. This may sound good, but in terms of stress and rewards, it is not. Because creativity is irrational and unpredictable, coming up with a creative solution can be highly stressful. Designers now have to come up with significantly more creative solutions per year for the same amount of money. (...)”

    Uhm ... no.

    Salaries/Acceptable Rates have gone up in proportion I believe to the point of doing more for same/less. Plus as long as you create and manage boundaries you can still keep a level of aloofness of things that you have no interest in by pointing to the court case of continued unemployment compensatoin landmark case of Jack .vs. All Trades.

    That being said ... you know what I'll stop there.

    * Cracks beer.

    madirish I'm drinking Sam Adams Irish Red ... second case of it I got in the past two weeks. Not all bad.

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