The Debate

Out of context: Reply #41

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  • Iggyboo0

    Oh and that question on iran is irrelevent too, why? Because you're pre emptively planning a war with iran when you're asking how your going to deal with an attack on isreal. You're giving the american people too much credit for deciding things if you think american people decide whether or not we're going to go to war with iran. If its in our national security's interest I am sure we will. If it isn't we wont. But that's pretty much not a reason to hire the next president. I also really question the motives of hillary why is she always trying to smile on stage. it's one thing to have stage presence but why is it so important to smile and be cheery. We're in a messed up time, atleast some of the cynicism from Barrack is in line with most people's cynicism. I really think Mccain has it in the bag after last night though, the american public won't have a chance to vote for either of these candidates due to an implosion of the democratic party.

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