Cheney's tax - WTF

Out of context: Reply #72

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  • PonyBoy0

    ... haha...

    ... I never said I had a solution. :)

    I really can't think of one outside of keeping with the status quo as I don't think the country would be able to sustain and massive overhaul w/out creating a big mess...

    ... i'm just passionate about the fact I don't believe any one family uses $600k in 'public resources'. As a matter of fact - everything they 'need' they pay for and are taxes through nose on anyway.

    And once again... Cheney is a war mongering douche. :)

    I'm not championing for Cheney... I'm championing the idea that no person / family uses $600k in public resources and therefor shouldn't have to pay that much money... that's all.

    Solutions?... I'm a moron with money... so yeah... I got none. ;)

    • make those below the poverty line pay 100%Dr_Rand
    • going by that logic everybody should pay basically the same because we all use the same amount.oozie
    • actually if you're rich you'd drive more, use roads more so you should pay more.oozie

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