Cheney's tax - WTF

Out of context: Reply #65

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  • PonyBoy0

    lol... you got me, Queen! :)

    //You're just inundated with class, my friend.

    And yep... it's still my opinion that it's ridiculous for any one family to pay out $600k regardless of their success...

    ... please explain to me (and no one has yet... you've just all managed to call me out as being an idiot 'let them eat cake' kind of guy)... how is it that one family's share is $600,000?

    I realize they made a load of money... and are well off regardless... but once again - WHAT RESOURCES DO THEY USE MORE OF THAN YOU AND ME that makes them have to pay out that much more?


    I didn't work for it... neither did you... but plenty of you are ready to go on redistributing other people's money as if it'll help 'the poor' not be poorer....

    ... keep that cycle going... //it's working really well.

    My real point: Taxes should not be based on the % of income you make... if that's the case... then THANK GOD FOR RICH PEOPLE... because they pay for 40%+ of everything we have in this country anyway...

    ... you should be thanking them... not berating them because you're jealous of their success.

    • how is it that one family's share is $600,000?
      because another families share is $1,500. That's the proportional part.
    • of proportional taxation. so all your earnings don't go to the gov't... and still leave a short fall.monNom

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