Cheney's tax - WTF

Out of context: Reply #37

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  • Drno0

    people over 40?
    hmm I guess we don't hang out with the same crowd,
    from what can discern from your drunk talk,
    we do not come from the same aristocratic level of life
    you think its foolish to pay taxes or "money forcefully taken" as you state it, then try to live like the major part of earthling and you will understand why taxes are important,
    if a person earning $2.5m pays less taxes than one earning 40k, thats just plain wrong,
    if a oil company that made billions of profits thanks to an unlawful occupation asks for a $18billions tax rebates, thats just plain wrong,

    stop being an wannabe elitist dickhead because soon,
    I mean really soon, when the recession/inflation/wargalor spending are going to hit home, you'll be the first to cry for what you won't be able to afford,
    or maybe you're so rich and you friend over 40 are so rich that they don't care about the people that actually made the country they live in so great,
    I know lots of people that wake up at 6 in the morning, work 2, sometimes 3 jobs and will never be able to afford to open a business, create wealth for themselves, because life is a bitch and sometimes you're just not lucky enough to be born with a golden spoon in your mouth

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