Cheney's tax - WTF

Out of context: Reply #31

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  • PonyBoy0

    srsly, DRNo... i may a bit tipsy right now... but what fucking money have you been forced to put back in this country?... how much?

    lay it on me, Rich guy... all you other 'rich folks too'... lay it on me... how much have you fucking given back?... what??!! nothing?!!!!... the shit taxes the rest of pay?!!!

    oh my!!! Then shut the FUCK UP... YOU HAVEN'T PUT SHIT TOWARD ME... YOUR FELLOW NEIGHBOR ETC... HOW FUCKIND DARE YOU TALK SHIT AOBUT RICH FOLKS WHO HAVE BEEN FORCED TO UNLOAD THEIR WEALTH UPON YOUR SORRY ASS?!!!... you didn't earn a fucking dime of their tax money... yet you drive on your soft paved roads... you gotto you clinics... you gotto your sweet lil gov. run beach or favorite hiking park...

    ... FUCK YOU.

    Losers... grow the fuck up and pay your share if you're goin to bitch so much... YOU HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE HOW MUCH RICH PEOPLE MAKE YOUR LIFE EASY... FUCK YOU.


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