European Sharking

Out of context: Reply #2

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  • Spookyhome0

    I'm not sure about this.
    It raises certain moral ambiguities.

    I need to watch it again. I think I'm still reeling from the shock and unable to formulate a response.

    Yeah, okay. I watched it again. The moral ambiguity seems to be turning its focus on me. I seem to be asking questions of myself now. Just what is my moral reaction to this video, and the phenomenon as a whole. I need to watch it again.

    So, I've just watched this a third time. I have to confess right here that I find it both shocking, and an affront on civil liberties, personal privacy and dignity. Yet I am undeniably titillated, and this, I'm sure you can appreciate, is a great disturbance to me. I need to watch this again. I can't quite identify or articulate succinctly what it is I feel about this ... this act.

    Okay, I watched it once more. Boobs.

    I watched it again. Accidental boobs are more exciting than ordinary boobs. Its in the jiggle. I'll... watch it, once more.

    Boobs! I watched it again! I'm going out. Oh man, this is

    • sympathizing pervert.Samush
    • I feel regret this morning. Was Very drunk last night for first time in a long time. Frivolous post, ill advised =(.Spookytim

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