Copyright Issue?

Out of context: Reply #3

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  • blaw0

    I guess what I'm saying is that you can take your chances, but there's no fooling that there's an issue there if you are using this for commercial purposes.

    For example, some poor fellow got his ass sued off a handful of years ago for using... can't remember now... the Superman logo, maybe? Whatever, some big name copyrighted image as part of his used car dealership's promo campaigns.

    In the end, not a good idea at all.

    • wow! that sucks. I don't want any trouble. I'm not trying to make money but it was for a contest so I'll probably just email them to take it down. Thanks.cbass99
    • sufjan stevens had take off the superman illustration from his illinoise album coveremukid
    • I'm just going to take it down. I don't want any trouble, just wanted a cool shirt to wear.
    • you could make a shirt for yourself to wear. I don't th ink there's any problem with that.ninjasavant

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