what sites do you use??

Out of context: Reply #14

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  • Spookytim0

    I tell you what we need

    1. We need that big fat global recession they keep promising. It'll go through this industry like paint stripper through a bunnyrabbit, and only the strong will survive. Then there'll be an abundance of work for the remaining few, and the education system wont be pumping four billion graduates into our industry every July becuase it will no longer be considered a lucrative career. Then the fees can go back up and we'll all be merry and bright.

    2. We need to kill Apple. Apple have made it possible for every creative specialism that ever existed to be effortlessly replicated in Joe Public's bedroom with no skill and no funding required, just a modest computer and a software package. When Sculley ran Apple it was a specialist company providing high end specialist equipment at great cost to professionals. Now, we enjoy the wonderful benefits of the democratisation of creative artistry.

    3. We need to hide our work, not show our work. Its become the Way Of Things that we have these websites showing what we do. It feels like its the only way to do it. We should have websites, but they should have closed doors on them. Invite only. They should be as special to visit as getting into a private view at an exclusive gallery. People should be hungering to see creative's work, not having it laid out for them pornographically, and emailed, and flyered, begging for attention, begging for work. Fuck that. The creatoive few need to make creativity a specialism again, and published work needs to retake the lead in promoting practitioners, not websites.


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