
Out of context: Reply #3

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  • flavorful0

    I try to keep my accent (not Irish) under wraps when I speak for the most part, but when I get drunk I tend to let it fly, haha.

    It's a mix between Yinzer (Pittsburgh) and Skook (Schuylkill County) ... which makes it the illegitimate love child of two accents which people from outside those areas already have hard enough time understanding. And no one who is a Yinzer or Skook really knows how or why I'm pronouncing my words that way.

    Sometimes in meetings and the like I'll accidentally let it drop, which is far more embarrassing than dropping an F-bomb or something because everyone just turns all confused and goes, "WHAT?!"

    That coupled with the fact I can't say the -TH at the end of words no matter how hard I try ...

    Man I'm a mess. All that from Jaline's post, I didn't even click that link, haha.

    • Well, now that I think about my mother has a brough ... maybe that is the third ingredient. :Xflavorful
    • fawkin' Skook....


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