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Out of context: Reply #24

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  • flavorful0

    hahaha did anyone check out the commentary on the amount of characters you have left when adding something new to the Public Choice? Hilarious!

    130 Characters Left (Orange):
    'Contrary to popular belief, people actually DO read on the internet.',
    'Take your time.',
    'Think before type.'

    115 Characters Left: (Orange):
    'Go get’em tiger!',
    'Hey, J. K. Rowling... you’re on a roll!',
    'Hemingway called, he wants to finance your novel!'

    090 Characters Left (Green):
    'Nicely done!',
    'Slap a bow on it and let’s call it a wrap!',
    'The end is near!',
    'Que in the music and take us to a break!',
    'There is light at the end of the tunnel!',
    'Make this official like a referee with a whistle!'

    080 Characters Left (Green):
    'Nicely done!',
    'Slap a bow on it and let’s call it a wrap!',
    'The end is near!',
    'Que in the music and take us to a break!',
    'There is light at the end of the tunnel!',
    'Make this official like a referee with a whistle!'

    050 Characters Left (Orange):
    'Uhm, are you writing a Monologue?',
    'Ok, Shakespeare, what do ya say we call it quits?',
    'Your next character had better be a period.',
    'Time-out. Are you reading any of this?',
    'Hello? Are you even aware that we’re talking to you?'

    025 Characters Left (Orange):
    'This all went from cute to downright annoying.',
    'Clearly you have addiction issues.',
    'Hey “X-Games”, take it down a notch, eh?',
    'Slowly... step away from the computer!',
    'Let us guess, your last “crush” said you don’t listen well.',
    'If you want to play “X-Treme”, how about you jump out of a plane?'

    010 Characters Left (Red):
    'Apparently you think you have something to prove.',
    'Nobody is going to read this, you know that right?',
    'Hey slappy, how about you find a new hobby?',
    'Is it just that you don’t like being told what to do, or...?'

    005 Characters Left (Red):
    'This went on way too long to remain remotely interesting.',
    'Honestly now.',
    'Apparently we’re talking to ourselves.',
    'You’re on your own.',
    'I get it now, you just want to see what else we’ll say!'

    000 Characters Left (Red):
    'You’ve reached the maximum amount of characters allowed.'

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