Negotiating fees

Out of context: Reply #19

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  • kona0

    Me, "20k"
    Client, "Can you do it for 6?"
    Me, *pulls out Rambo knife and starts sharpening it on their desk* “What is it you do again?”
    Client, “We uh, we’re a manufacturing company” *looks at knife*
    Me, “No no, don’t look at the knife, look at me.” *still sharpening knife* “Then let me ask you. Would you ever sell your product for a third LESS than the price you’re asking for?”
    Client, “Uh... no probably n...”
    Me, *interrupting* “Because it’s worth the price you sell it for right? I know, I know but 20k is a lot and you know someone who knows someone that will do this work for 5k right!?! *client nervously nods and looks at the blade shining him in the eyes* “But I’m sure you have competitors that sell the exact same product as you for much less too right? And I’m sure during sales meetings when YOUR client brings up that fact you say something like ‘yes but you get what you pay for and our product is better because blah blah I’m a billy goat fucker...’”
    Client, “Wait what?!”
    Me, “DON’T INTURRUPT ME!” *slashes knife into air* “Then sir WHY would you try and lowball me in MY profession if you wouldn’t do the same in yours? Now I’m going to say to you one more time. 20k”
    Client, *slow clap* “You complete me”

    • blah blah I'm a billy goat fucker...

    • HAHAHAHAHA :'(Milan
    • hehehehe, I gotta get me a knifeWolfboy
    • love it. Think this is the approach I am going to take from now ok... can't fail right?fodcj

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